Five Element Theory(C315)
with Steve Sommers
CE Credits: 8 Hours
Cost: $260 ($305 if registering within 7 days of class)
Five-Element Theory is the foundation on which many Asian bodywork modalities are based, including Acupressure and Shiatsu. Steve Sommers will describe how the Five Elements emerge from Yin-Yang Theory, and the balancing quality of nature within us.
The Five Elements are associated with external forces of nature as well as internal, human qualities and conditions. These associations include:
1. Balanced and extreme emotions, emotional regulation
2. Organs and Body Systems
3. Beliefs adn Attitudes
4. Seasons of the year
5. The 24-hour cycle of the day and night
6. Physical substances which make up our world
7. The 5 Senses
Discussion will include the interplay of external and internal influences of the Five Elements and how they reveal themselves in the human body, mind, emotions and spirit as well as the cycle and flow of the elements as interconnected and interrelated forces of life and nature.
This is a lecture class; you may want to bring something to take notes with.
Instructor: Steve Sommers, LMFT, LMT
Call Teresa Greene at 615-370-9794 if you have any questions.
Sep 6th, 2025
Sat from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Cumberland Institute
500 Wilson Pike Circle, Suite #121
Brentwood, TN 37027
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